


巨大的变化即将到来 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 申请2024-2025援助年度! 从历史上看, FAFSA将于10月开放, 然而, 随着即将到来的FAFSA变化, 2024- 2025年FAFSA预计将于12月31日发布, 2023. 关于2024-25年FAFSA的更新将在这里公布.



2020年,国会通过了 FAFSA简化法案. This new act significantly overhauls the processes and systems used to award federal student aid. 现在法律要求的主要变化包括FAFSA表格, 确定联邦援助资格的需求分析, 术语的变化, and many policies and procedures for schools participating in Title IV federal aid programs. The law will also affect any state that uses FAFSA data to award state grants (i.e., Cal Grant) and every school that participates in the federal student aid programs.

欧文康考迪亚大学's 金融援助 Office is dedicated to providing timely updates to our students and families. 由于大量的变化, portions of our website may not be fully updated for the 2024-25 academic year. We will continue to update this page as more information from the Department of Education and Federal Student Aid becomes available. We appreciate your patience as we work to implement the changes brought by the FAFSA简化法案.



Contributor receives an 电子邮件 informing them that they’ve been identified as a contributor.




Contributor logs into the account using their FSA ID (account username and password).


Contributor reviews information about completing their section of the FAFSA form.


Contributor provides required info, including consent + approval, and signs student’s FAFSA form.

重要的: Being a contributor does not indicate financial responsibility.
然而, 如果投稿人拒绝提供他们的信息, 该学生将没有资格获得联邦学生援助.

2024-25 FAFSA延迟和Cal补助金

由于2024-25年FAFSA的延迟开放, Cal Grant的优先截止日期从3月2日提前了, 2024年至4月2日, 2024. This means you have an additional month to file your 2024-25 FAFSA and still be considered for a Cal Grant award.

For additional information on the Cal Grant priority deadline extension, please visit the 加州学生援助委员会的网站.

2024-25 FAFSA常见问题解答


New students who plan to begin at Concordia in Fall 2024 should complete the FAFSA as soon as it becomes available. Per the Department of Education, the 2024-2025 FAFSA will be available by December 31, 2023. Returning students should complete the FAFSA on or before the March 15th priority deadline.

我父母没有社会安全号码(SSN). 我们还能在线完成2024-25年度的FAFSA吗?

是的! Even if your parent(s) does not have an SSN, you can still complete the FAFSA online. When you get to the section where you can invite a Contributor to your FAFSA, 你将输入你父母的名字, 出生日期, 电子邮件, and then check the box that reads "My parent doesn't have an SSN". You will then be prompted to enter your parent's address instead. Your parent will then receive an 电子邮件 letting them know they have been identified as a Contributor. If they do not have an FSA ID, they will be prompted to create one.

How to Get a FSA ID for Individuals Without a Social Security Number - 英语 | 西班牙语

我父母结婚了/再婚了. 我的父母都被认为是贡献者吗?

这取决于. 如果你是 依赖学生 你的父母以已婚的形式报税, Filing Jointly only one parent contributor is required to complete the FAFSA. 如果你是 依赖学生 你的父母以已婚的形式报税, Filing Separately then both parents will be considered contributors. In this case, both parents 需要单独的FSA id and must provide consent.

我的父母未婚,但住在一起. 我的父母都被认为是贡献者吗?

是的! 如果你是 依赖学生 你的父母未婚同居, 这样父母双方都是贡献者, 需要单独的FSA id, 父母双方都必须同意.

我的父母拒绝同意. 我有什么选择?

如果你是 依赖学生 并且有一个或多个参与者拒绝提供同意, you will be given the opportunity to indicate on the FAFSA that you would like to receive only a Direct Unsubsidized Loan. 如果您选择此选项, additional documentation may be required before our office can process a Direct Unsubsidized Loan offer.

我的父母不支持我. 我必须在FAFSA上包括一个贡献者吗?

是的,如果你是 依赖学生,父母中至少有一人必须是你的FAFSA的供款人. 如果你的父母离婚/分居但没有再婚, and neither parent provided support in the 12-month period immediately prior to filing your FAFSA, 记录的父记录(i.e., contributor) is the parent who provided the greater portion of support during the most recent year you received financial support from a parent.

My parents are divorced/separated, and each provides 50% of my financial support. 哪一位父母被认为是贡献者?

If both parents claim an equal amount of support, then 记录的父记录(i.e., contributor) is the parent with the greater amount of income and assets.

What types of untaxed income will no longer be reported on the FAFSA?

The following forms of untaxed income will no longer be reported on the 2024-25 FAFSA:

  • Untaxed payments to tax-deferred pension and retirement saving plans;
  • Housing, food, and other living allowances paid to members of the military, clergy, and others;
  • 退伍军人福利;
  • 工人的补偿;
  • 其他未在FAFSA其他地方申报的免税收入, 比如黑肺的好处, 难民援助, 铁路退休福利, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) benefits; or
  • 收到的现金支持或以学生名义支付的任何款项

My Contributor refused to provide consent, but manually entered their tax information on my FAFSA. 我还有资格吗??

No, 如果你的FAFSA资助者没有提供同意, you are ineligible for federal student aid even if that contributor manually entered their tax information. Your contributor must provide consent for you to be eligible for federal student aid and your FAFSA to be processed. Your contributor can provide consent at a later date by logging in with their FSA ID and submitting a correction to your FAFSA.

我以临时独立学生的身份提交了FAFSA. 我的下一步是什么?

联系你的财务援助顾问 下一步. Note that our office may need to collect additional documentation to verify your circumstances qualify for Independent status and that your Student Aid Index (SAI) on the FAFSA will not be officially calculated until we have confirmed your status. Your financial aid file will be placed on hold until this process is completed.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 FAFSA简化信息知识中心 or 联络我们的办事处 有问题的.

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